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Department Select RecipientAccounting Department SLMCCMAnatomy & Histology SLMCCMBiochemistry SLMCCMClinical Evaluation SLMCCMClinical Integration SLMCCMEars, Nose & Throat Surgery SLMCCMEmergency Medicine SLMCCMFacilities Maintenance and Engineering SLMCCMFinance SLMCCMGlobal HealthHealth Clinic SLMCCMIT DepartmentHuman Resources Department SLMCCMIntro to the Medical Profession SLMCCMMedical Education Unit SLMCCMMedicine SLMCCMMedical Library SLMCCMMicrobiology and Parasitology SLMCCMNeurology SLMCCMLegal Medicine & Medical Jurisprudence SLMCCMObstetrics & Gynecology SLMCCMOffice of the Guidance Counselor SLMCCMOffice of the Associate Deans SLMCCMOffice of the Student Affairs SLMCCMPharmacology SLMCCMPathology SLMCCMPediatrics SLMCCMPreventive And Community Medicine SLMCCMPsychiatry SLMCCMPhysiology SLMCCMOffice of the Registrar SLMCCMRadiology SLMCCMSupply Chain Management SLMCCMSurgery SLMCCMTi-eL SLMCCMWebsite
Sta. Ignaciana St., Cathedral Heights, Quezon City 1112
(+632) 8723-0101