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Radiology is a field of medicine geared towards the diagnosis or treatment of diseases through various medical imaging studies, which includes: static radiographs (x-rays), fluoroscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear medicine. These advances in imaging technology have led to increased and more accurate detection of pathology, which helps in prompt medical management and improved patient outcome. Although Radiology utilizes advanced imaging technologically, fundamental knowledge in human anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, physics, and pathology are essential in the interpretation of each imaging study. It is also important that each radiologic test is tailor-made for each patient, considering the patient’s clinical condition, needs, indications, and contraindications. The radiologists also make sure that important or critical findings are relayed without a delay, and encourages discussion with referring physicians particularly in complex and unusual imaging manifestations.

At SLMCCM-WHQM, students get early exposure to Radiology in their first year, with Radiologic Anatomy being incorporated in the Anatomy curriculum. Radiology is also included in discussions of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases in Clinical Integration, a unique course offered in the second year. The bulk of Radiology course is offered during third year, with 1.5 hours of faculty and student engagement weekly, delivered through lectures, case presentations, or group discussions. This one-year course is divided into six periods, aligned with the organ systems being discussed in the other medical subjects. It is during third year that students are given more in depth discussion about the utilization, indications and contraindications of the different imaging modalities, as well as imaging manifestations of common and important diseases. During the fourth and fifth year, medical students are able to take Radiology as an elective rotation and are given an opportunity to immerse in the various sections and subspecialties of Radiology in both SLMC Quezon City and Global City.

Students also work alongside the Radiology Residents and Fellows in various fields of Radiology subspecialties. SLMC is one of the first hospitals in the country to develop dedicated organ-based and special interest sub-specialties in radiology, including neuroradiology, head and neck imaging, breast imaging, chest and cardiac imaging, gastrointestinal and genitourinary radiology, and pediatric radiology, among others.

Roster of Faculty

Nelson V. Pasia, MD